Tuesday, January 25, 2011

D.U.M.B is the new SMART

Anyone who has ever attended a goal-setting workshop or seminar was presented with the idea of setting S.M.A.R.T goals. These are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely (or Tangible). Whatever???

If you stop and think about traditional and realistic goals, they aren't that inspiring or exciting. They encourage the status quo.....So tonight I presented a new type of goal setting I happened on when researching "goal-setting" - D.U.M.B. Goals. Research suggested DUMB as an acronym for :
Doable, Understandable, Manageable & Beneficial (Wikipedia)
Decisive, Unique, Meaningful & Bold (Jeff De Cagna) or my favourite:

DREAMY goals are the kind that wake you up at night wondering if something is possible with an effort that is truly remarkable. We've all had them, as children - dreams of growing up to be a doctor, lawyer, teacher, athlete, veterinarian...so many dreams. Were you encouraged to go after that goal, or were you told that it was unrealistic.

What's wrong with UNREALISTIC? Wouldn't that push you to achieve greatness, prove that you could do it despite the negativity. That is what DUMB goals can do. Wouldn't it be great to wake up each morning ready to take on the day with passion. A motivated person is tough to stop because that kind of momentum builds daily. To me, that is MOTIVATING.

Be BOLD, "boldly go where you have never gone before", okay that's not what they said on Star Trek, but it's something you can do. People are so worried about failing, we fail to succeed. You will never know unless you try - right? What's the worse thing that could happen? For me, I could get injured, my commitments might keep me from my training schedule, the negative voices might overpower me....so what? I go back to the status quo, but I've given it my best shot.

So, tonight I told my 5km clinic group to make DUMB goals. We should all make DUMB goals, ones that inspire us to reach for the moon, if we miss, we will land in the stars. Tonight I've decided to DUMB down my goals for 2011. Here goes, for everyone to read.

I will complete a 5km race in under 30minutes.
I will complete a 1/2 marathon in less than 2 hours and 30 minutes.
I am going to run two 1/2 marathon races this year.
I'm going lose 20lbs - I'll have to if I'm going to run at that pace... :)

It's going to be an awesome year. So, yes, I SEE DUMB PEOPLE - thank goodness.

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