Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sad day for Canada

It is so hard to face defeat. I've been there. Success only to be challenge by an opponent who got the upper hand. In my case, my battle to keep the weight off that I lost 5 years ago.

Tonight Canada's Junior Hockey team was beat by Russia. Canada had the lead, they had control of the game, but they let their guard down. It goes to show you, you have to always be on your game. As great as small successes might be, unless you keep fighting or staying focused on your goal, it can slip away from you.

How many times did I say I would never gain the weight back that I had lost 5 years ago. Okay, I didn't gain it all back, but I let my guard down, I didn't stay focused and the weight tried to win the game. Well, I'm back, I'm focused on the goal and I won't let anything defeat me.

In hockey it's every goal achieved that wins a game. In weight loss, it's meeting every challenge and 'losing' verses gaining. I want the gold medal, no I won't be presented with one, but the fact that I stayed in the game will allow me to be a winner by losing. I will continue to practice and I will improve my ability to lose. It is all about balance - winning is losing. Very different than tonight's hockey game, but it sure puts things into perspective for me.

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