Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Feeling off balance

I'm not sure why, but I'm feeling a little off balance today, actually this week and it's only Tuesday. Maybe it was all the prep for the interview, maybe it was the interview, maybe it's just things (life) is weighing a little more than my resolve to meet my goals. I'm finding that I'm not feeling satisfied with my meals/diet. It's like I want more. More what? More satisfaction from my job, more satisfaction from my goals, more satisfaction from my relationships...I'm not quite sure.

I think that patience has to be the centre point and at times I have to recognize that the scale of life will be a little off kilter, but I can't let it weigh me down. Besides, feeling on the lighter side of the scale is a good thing. So, tomorrow is another day and there is another day after that....ride the waves and hopefully I can tip the scales in my favour.

1 comment:

  1. you are a very pretty women,with a sparkling personality.......from here in ft.lauderdale
